01204 329975
149 Darwen Rd, Bromley Cross, Bolton, BL7 9BG
01204 329975
149 Darwen Rd, Bromley Cross, Bolton, BL7 9BG
estate agents
01204 329975
149 Darwen Rd, Bromley Cross, Bolton, BL7 9BG

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Our Bespoke Marketing . . .

Why we are different from your average agent

Beautiful marketing helps to get people through your door. For those who appreciate the finer things, we take the time out to style, dress and photograph your home to really make it stand out from the crowd.


We use the very best experienced and creative photographers skilled in capturing the very heart of a home


Our Interior Designer will expertly stage each room ready for your lifestyle photos, giving your buyers a real sense of what it is like to live in your home.


Our designer will tailor your property brochure to perfectly complement the style and colours of your home


Our designer will create a personalised property logo to further enhance the appearance of the online marketing and brochure


Our team will individually design and custom make your for sale boards to include a hand-picked photograph of your home to create a real 'wow' factor.


Our friendly talented copywriter will chat with you before creating a beautiful personalised written piece highlighting the best features of your home.

01204 329975
149 Darwen Rd, Bromley Cross, Bolton, BL7 9BG
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